Every church has its own style of worship. Â We think you will enjoy the services at Immanuel, but as in any church, you should expect it to take a couple Sundays to become accustomed to our way of praising God together.
Services focus on readings from the Bible. Â Music and singing are an important part of our church services. Â Listen to the singing and before long, you'll be singing, too. Â Loud or soft, in monotone or harmony, all our praises are music to God because it is Biblical and Christ centered. Â The services include the following parts:
We call on the name of our Savior God as we praise Him.
   Admiting Sin - Receiving Forgiveness:
We acknowledge that we haven't been or done what God asks. Â We are assured ot forgiveness in Jesus.
   Bible Readings:
Selections from God's Old Testament prophets, Jesus' apostles and from Jesus Himself in the Gospels.
   Children's Message and Song:
When children are present in worship a children's message will be presented that is based on one of the lessons using an object. Â A children's song will help reinforce it.
Our pastor offers instruction and encouragement in a Bible-based sermon. Â Expect God's guidance and His grace for dealing with problems.
   Response to the Word:
We respond with a confession of belief, offerings and prayers for the things He has promised to us and for strength to do what He has asked.
The Bible teaches that our offerings to God should reflect our belief that all we have is His gift to us. Â It teaches us that with our offering, we worship and honor God. Â A child may bring the quarters and dimes his parents give him. Â
   Parting Blessing:
We hear one last assurance of God's care.